International Citation Index Of Journal Impact Factor & Indexing

Title Turist RehberliÄŸi Dergisi (TURED) - Journal of Tour Guiding (JOTOG)
Online ISSN / Print ISSN 2651-4869/2651-4869
Chief Editor Dr. Elbeyi PELÄ°T
Publisher Name Elbeyi PELÄ°T
Journal Description Journal of Tour Guiding (JOTOG) is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to contribute to knowledge and development of tour guiding field by publishing studies with academic and scientific qualities in the field of tour guiding. Journal of Tour Guiding (JOTOG) also aims to initiate a specialization among tourism journals with focusing solely on tour guiding studies. Besides, JOTOG accepts articles on tourism policy developments on tour guiding and other fields which have inter- disciplinary contributions. In this respect, the journal also includes studies on trends in tour guiding and discussions of current and future influences on tour guiding, focusing on new developments and developments in other fields thanks to its interdisciplinary nature. Additionally, JOTOG aims to follow a publishing policy that prioritizes the concept of up-to-date in the field of applied and theoretical studies. Furthermore, the journal also takes reviews of tourism representatives on tour guiding into cons
Organization Contact Details Turist Rehberliği Dergisi (TURED) - Journal of Tour Guiding (JOTOG) Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Turizm Fakültesi, Turizm Rehberliği Bölümü ANS Kampüsü, Afyonkarahisar/Türkiye Web: E-Mail:
Country Turkey
Language Turkish, English
Area Of Specialization Tourism, Tourism Guidance
Starting Year 2018
Online Availability Yes
Accessibility Free
Content Accessibility Full Text

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